Understanding a message doesn’t mean being able to respond properly;
Your responses to different situations show how well you master English .
Responding properly doesn’t mean being about to think independently;
You’ll be requested to show fluency when answering three questions.
Ability to think independently doesn’t equal to eloquent expression;
You’ll have to make yourself understood by composing a successful paragraph.
Words you choose and sentences you form build up the logic of your own;
Nothing reflects lingual abilities better than speaking and writing.
The BIGBANG Course本來是Ying為one on one的一個家教學生設計的課程:十二歲的小女生,程度不錯;但是她真的很害羞,即使我們是以口語為核心的會話課,她也惜字如金,雖然根據她媽媽的說法,她非常喜歡上我的課、覺得非常有趣。每次上課的教材都是Ying為她專屬設計的,她也上得挺開心,但總覺得少了什麼讓她燃燒熱情的元素。所以,當我知道這個小女孩對韓國天團BIGBANG為之瘋狂後,馬上決定為她設計一套以BIGBANG為主題的課程。
The BIGBANG Course__ Ying 的特製講義
首先,她對上英文課從「喜歡」變成「超興奮」──這是她自己說的(When it comes to Friday, I’m so excited about English class.);再來,因為是喜歡的天團,文章裡出現的生字她竟然可以立馬記得一半(這真的令我很驚訝,因為教材裡有不少大單字,對小女生來說其實有一定的難度);每堂課上完,我會請她把當天學的東西做一下總結,小妮子竟然一反常態,哇啦哇啦地把她所記得的東西全都講出來,而且時不時摻雜著剛學的新單字,現學現賣,非常樂在其中。 繼續閱讀 →